Fact/Fake SWOT

From Community Narrations

Aims of the activity[edit]

- Identify false information.
- Recognize the critical thinking path.

Resources, Materials needed[edit]

Fact/Fake SWOT table (attachment).

Duration in minutes[edit]

30 minutes.

Step-by-step - what has to be done[edit]

1. Each participant makes a list of characteristics which define her/him (words, statements). One can ask her/himself what how they would describe themselves and/or how would others (family members or close friends or other people in public) describe them.
2. Categorize the internal/external description to Fake/Fact SWOT model.

Learning Outcomes - which skills are adressed?[edit]

The participant will begin the process of narration by self-description, will train the ability to categorize fact/fake information regarding self and building resources based on strengths and opportunities.

How do you check if the outcomes are reached?[edit]

1. The discussion should be based on ability and difficulty regarding self-description. Moreover, it has to questioned how it's connected to building narratives.
2. Participants should provide a discussion on critical thinking regarding narratives.

Further Links/Readings[edit]

https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm https://swotanalytica.com/darden/fake-news-and-the-news-feed.php

Please upload any further document[edit]
