Introducing and secure tools

From Community Narrations

Aims of the practice and description of participants[edit]

Get to know tools and variable devices to tell, share and present. All open source and OER.

Resources, Materials needed[edit]

- Notebook
- Pen


10-15 minutes.

Step-by-step - what has to be done?[edit]

1. Sitting in a sandpit: what do we need? What do we have?
2. Select tool.
3. Frontal presentation of how it is working.
4. Let the participants try and play with it.
5. Name a project title.
6. Let the participants develop a part of the project.

Learning Outcomes - which skills are addressed?[edit]

Learning by doing under surveillance.

How do you check the outcomes are reached?[edit]

Save and share the results of work.

Further Links/Readings[edit] - collection of tools - collection of tools - easy recording studio for monitor and camera - collection of tools - shorttime internet page