Media matters 2 Identifying audiences

From Community Narrations

Aims of the practice and description of participants[edit]

Participants will practice ‘decoding’ media texts to develop an understanding of media literacy.

Resources, Materials needed[edit]

- Media sources – these could be newspaper or magazine front covers, food packaging, advertisements, social media adverts.
- Laptops/computers/tablets.
- Pens and paper.


45 mins.

Step-by-step - what has to be done?[edit]

Ask the participants to get into small groups of 3. Go onto BBC iPlayer ask them to look at the page for each channel; BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4.
1. Who is the audience?
2. How can you tell this?
3. What techniques are used to attract that audience?
4. What words, images, colours, graphics are used. - 15 mins
Feedback to the main group - 30 mins

Learning Outcomes - which skills are addressed?[edit]

Participants will have:
- Identified different types of language to create meaning
- Gained an awareness of audio/visual “language”
- Started to think critically about what they are seeing, reading, and hearing

How do you check the outcomes are reached?[edit]

In small groups and main group discussions participants will have:
- Answered specific questions that encourage them to explore how media products are targeted to certain audiences.
- Identified ways that media producers appeal to certain audiences through specific visual and audio language.

Further links/readings[edit]